Week Four, Page One - Leadership and Ministerial Roles
One of Dr. Apostle Mack’s passions is that each member walks in their full potential both personally and spiritually. At Rhema Word, we have several ministries that members can join and find fulfillment. You will learn about them in the next segment. If at the last church you were affiliated with you were ordained as s minister, evangelist, deacon, elder, prophet, or pastor, Dr. Apostle Mack will respect your designations, however, to work in those offices at Rhema Word Ministries, you will need to take our ministerial classes. This is to ensure that we are on one accord and your designation is used effectively.
In leadership at Rhema Word Ministries there are three components that are critical and vital to your position.
This is a result of the fruit which is demonstrated in the Christian life, a concept that appears often in Scripture and such were created by God, not man. Love, joy, respect, honesty, integrity, courage, fairness, compassion, caring, cooperation, responsibility, self-control, gratitude, temperance, Furthermore, while man may, in common grace, build certain traits, he attains their fullness only in God.
Christians must have a high standard of conduct at all times—but especially when we are in and around unbelievers. Why? Because too often the unbelieving world has the Christian under the magnifying glass just waiting for us to fall and to fail. And we can’t give them any reasons to talk. We must dress in moderation and be careful of what and how we say things. We must show respect to church authority if there be any disagreements that can’t be settled among one another than we are to present to issue to Dr. Apostle Mack.
A committed member will be devoted to God and the Scriptures: growing, learning, obeying and sharing God’s Word (Acts 2:42; Ephesians 4:11-16; 2nd Timothy 3:16-17). A committed member will live a life of love—being kind to others, caring for others, serving others and giving to others (Romans 12:9-16). A committed member will be actively praying with the church and for the church (1st Timothy 2:1-8). A committed member will be using his/her spiritual gifts in the ministry (1st Peter 4:10, 11). A committed member will contribute financially to the local church (Galations 6:6; 1st Corinthians 16:1,2). *A committed member will be faithful in attending the weekly worship service (Hebrews 10:25). A committed member will live in a loving and honorable relation with the elders of the church who are given by God to provide humble, servant leadership to the local church (1st Peter 5:1-5).